New Project with Dustin M Hoffman
My friend Dustin and I have started work on a graphic novel. Not sure how this will take shape as we forge ahead since we’ve never done anything like this before, but I’ll keep posting stuff here and on instagram as work progresses. The book will be a close adaptation of Dustin’s story “A Sick Child” which is available to read online at Masters Review here: “A Sick Child”
I’m pretty excited to be working on a project with one of my best friends. Most of the writing I did in the past was partially shaped by Dustin’s comments, so it would be silly to say that we’ve never collaborated before, but writing is a pretty solitary process for me most of the time, and this approach to making art has me pretty pumped. Now I have an excuse to talk to my friend about the art we’re making, and this time it’s something we’re actively making together. It’s taken way too long to get something like this started, but I am grateful that I’ve finally got the time to dig in and work on something new.
This is an 18x24 charcoal drawing on newsprint to capture the mood of the story and to establish some basic character details.