Brandon Davis Jennings

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Back from the Beach

I didn’t get a ton of time to paint this past week because I was on SPring Break with my family and got to be the best man in my little brother’s wedding, so even though I was feeling pretty restless in regard to art-making, it was for a really good reason that I didn’t get much done. Fortunately camera phones exist so I was at least able to get a lot of pictures that I’m able to use as references. One of my favorite days in Sarasota was spent on the beach and then Kayaking after lunch at a Colombian restaurant. We paddled through mangroves and when we were on open-water, birds dove under us and swam around searching for fish. We saw a few catch and swallow their meals, and it was really a great time.

This watercolor I did yesterday in the little time I had to work, and I was able to take this pose and turn it into a painting that will be added into the War Babies series that I’m working on currently. I made headway on that one this morning as well, but didn’t have a chance to take a picture of it yet. There’s a gallery show in Michigan soon, and they need 12x12 art. So that one is 12x12 and as of this moment it is the one I’ll submit for that show. I’ll also get the info for the show and post that later along with a picture of the painting in progress or completed.

The Aloft show in downtown South Bend is coming up soon as well, but I need to find out dimension requirements for that one before I submit anything, and if I need to do something smaller then I’ll have to get on that too.

It feels very good to be back home even though the week has been so nuts. Soccer is upon us now, and it seems every single evening requires me to drive my kids around right about the time they’d normally be sitting down for dinner. All I can do is pray we don’t become a McDonald’s family. Maybe I can just get a portable microwave for the van.