Brandon Davis Jennings

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Thank You, Bruce Weigl

I got a package from Bruce Weigl in the mail today after sending him an illustration I did of his poem “Him, on the Bicycle” that’s in his book Song of Napalm. I learned about Bruce’s work back when I was doing my PhD. at Western Michigan University, and Song of Napalm was immensely helpful to me as a person and a writer.

I didn’t send him the painting expecting anything, and I think that is what made getting a package seem so incredible. He included with his letter 3 of his books (all signed), and one of them is a book of poems he translated from Vietnamese to English. This is a huge gift because it means I now have something in my house to read that I likely would not have sought on my own.

I do many things not expecting anything in return and believe doing kind things for others without expecting anything in return is a good rule to live by. I also believe that when these kindnesses you do go out into the world they multiply. When a kindness comes back to you, assuming you are so lucky, it’s a good reminder to keep it up.

I’m grateful to Bruce for his response and for the work he’s done as a poet and teacher. The fact that he is also a veteran and he helped cut a path in the world of writing gave me a trail to follow. Although I did not end up teaching, I could’ve done so, (or at least made an honest effort pursuing that aim), and believing such a goal was attainable for a guy like was in no small part the result of Bruce and folks like him who’d done so in the past.

Him, On the Bicycle for Bruce Weigl

You can buy a copy of Song of Napalm by clicking the link.